Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lazy Sunday

I woke up at 8:30 and was left feeling exceptionally lazy. I should have gone back to bed but a 10:00 appointment forced me into joining the word of the living. Note to self, "Stop staying up so damned late!" When I came back home at 11:00 I started my twitter and tumbler pages for the blog and I made a cute little cake for afternoon tea with my great aunt.

I made a yellow cake filled with blueberry and lavender jam, iced with chocolate whipped cream. It sounds crazy but, it is ohh so good. I have the recipe for a blueberry and lavender refrigerator jam. If any one is interested leave a comment and I will put it up!

I got home and have been pretty much doing nothing since. I hope y'all can enjoy a lazy Sunday as well.  

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