Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day in my life. Weekday Version - Episode 1 (And the rules of Hide and Clap)

This is my everyday boring life! Enjoy! Next time I'll definitely plan on doing this on a more interesting day, but for now Enjoy!

Every morning I wake up at 6:50 and start my day with these guys.
Good Mythical Morning! I can't gather the strength to get out of bed until I've watched at least 2 videos on my phone.

Next is time to rush and get dressed, I usually have fooled around to long and by this point am about to be late.

OOTD. Scrubs. Yummy. Guess what I do for a living!

Next I fix my hair, wash my face and apply moisturizer and brush my teeth. Daily skin care. wooohoo.

Breakfast of champions. I'm trying to be healthier and this is as good as it gets on a weekday.

Shall I show you my going to work traffic? Yes!

Next is work, I cannot show you that however I will tell you I'm super ready for a break by lunch time. And as you from my last post, I enjoy lunch alone, peace and quite. Normally I pack a lunch but I ran out of time soooo. Taco Bell naturally happened. 2 chicken tacos and an unsweetened tea please and thank you. 
And this was my theme music for the day. Love West Coast.
Back to work until 5:30, followed by rush hour into DC. Traffic, 5 lanes each way. Standstill.
Moving on! I get home take a shower and that looks like this....
Next was some lazy single gal dinner. I only had 2 cookies and it's Friday. You don't know my life!

9:00 means is time for scary movie night. But first to get in the mood, my bff and I played hide and clap. All the lights get turned off and only night lights are left on. The seeker gets blind folded, spins in the middle of a room while counting to 10. They can ask the hidden people for 3 identifying claps. The person who is hidding can only move again once the seeker has walked past them. If you get found you then are out and can in large groups, blind fold yourself and help the seeker. Last one to be found is the winner. This game is extra creepy if you have ever seen The Conjuring. Playing in the dark makes it scary for everyone.

Next we watched Torment. Meh it was OK. No spoilers here. But not realistic at all. 

Another round of hide and clap did leave us scared after though! So not to shabby. Then YT in bed until I fell asleep watching Shane Dawson so I wouldn't be scared hahaha.

I hope y'all enjoyed a look at my life! Leave me some comment love below! Stay sane, stay sassy and I'll see you later!

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