Friday, July 18, 2014

Tea Anyone?

Good morning, Sassy friends and some less then sassy people, who might be reading this blog. Go you! No but really - Welcome and happy freaking Friday.

 Could I be any happier. No. Well, yes, I could, like what if I was on vacation in Bali with my sugar daddy, drinking a diamond martini and having my feet rubbed while I snuggle with my pet Lemer, who would be named FURRY BUTTER BABY AKA Franz. That would be pretty cool.

Buuuuut I'm as realistically happy as possible on a normal Friday morning.

Let us sally onward. I'm here to talk about something important. Myself. Hot cha cha! Today I'm shooting a day in my life for y'all to see tomorrow. Oh the fun and possible horror. I hope someone out there is enjoying my blog content as much as I'm enjoying making it.

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