Monday, July 14, 2014

Lunch Break!

Hello Sassy pants! I have some musings for you again today! WooHoo says absolutely no one. I think my stats are showing maybe 1 peorson has read this blog. So here ya go, this one is for you pal.

I love my lunch break at work. Its this special time when I get to cut off all the BS. I go to my car kick off my shoes, roll the window down, and this is the best part, I do exactly whatever it is that I want to do.

A number of my coworkers get upset about this and say I'm being antisocial, I'm mean, I'm not a good friend. Blah blah blah. Its all about how they feel not what I want or need. I am a very private and introverted person, unless I know you very well. I also like to keep strictly business at work.

My private life is just that. Private. I am bubbly and friendly, I am polite and kind but, some days I want to ask people to back off. I need that 30 minutes to recover and get back my sanity. I need time to get over the fact that some people are inconsiderate butt boxes.

Do any of y'all feel that way? I've had a hard morning and this coworker makes it, well...not at all, easier. So I need my space so I don't flip out and possibly flip you off. Is it too much to ask? A break on my break?

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