Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday Thrifting and Rambling

I woke up extra early this morning, cut the grass and cleaned the house. Then I looked at the clock and it was only eight (Yikes, what am I some crazy person? I was so tiered when I went to bed at one in the AM. So why I was up at five....Who knows not me. It is five now and I feel like I have lived two whole days with no sleep and am shattered and ready for bed. But no, life, I must live it to its fullest, on the weekend.) So I decided today would be a great day for a little DC thrifting fun.

 I went to the GW first and then I hit up some yard sales and was to exhausted to continue. I really wanted to hit up some of my favorite shops but I was about to die of the sleeepy, so I went to the Wegman's and bought some yummy food, I am making pesto and fresh pasta for a little dinner get together with my sister. I also want to have a girly movie night, but we shall see.

And without further delay, here is my absolute favorite find of the day!

I have been looking all over for pink/floral everyday china and this is perfect!

I am so in love! Yall have to forgive my terrible lighting and shaking hands though.

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